A building resting on a huge boulder, the sound produced by the incessant flow of the waters of the Nembo torrent... these are the main characteristics of the "Teveno Forge", a place that has always been considered as an example of how mountain people had reached a high degree of self-sufficiency.
Here in fact, thanks to the work of a trip hammer operated by the water taken from the stream and the skill of the artisan forger, all the tools that were used for the daily life of an entire town were made.
The Teveno Forge rises along the historic Valbona road that connected Teveno and the villages of Oltrepovo (Bueggio, Nona di Scalve and Pezzolo) to the inhabited area of Dezzo and to Via Mala.
It is one of the buildings that gave life to a sort of industrial zone. Nearby there were the sawmill, the mill and the "cable car station", a place to collect material extracted from the Manina mines.
The Forge ("La Fucina di Teveno APS" association was established for its recovery, possible opening to the public and revaluation as an ideal place for cultural events) is the last example of the craftsmanship of finishing in the whole Scalve Valley which, in the past few centuries, had as many as 30.
Of all the equipment, there are still some mechanisms with mechanical transmission visible and the shaft, that connected to the wheel, which gave energy for working the mallet, grinding wheel and forge.
Particularly intriguing is the opportunity to closely see the huge boulder inside which the Forge was built (probably in 1700) and the trompe.
Recently the site has been included in the "I luoghi del Cuore" census announced by F.A.I.
The Teveno Forge, in 2016, managed to reach 175th place, collecting as many as 1714 votes.
A building resting on a huge boulder, the sound produced by the incessant flow of the waters of the Nembo torrent... these are the main characteristics of the "Teveno Forge", a place that has always been considered as an example of how mountain people had reached a high degree of self-sufficiency.
Here in fact, thanks to the work of a trip hammer operated by the water taken from the stream and the skill of the artisan forger, all the tools that were used for the daily life of an entire town were made.
The Teveno Forge rises along the historic Valbona road that connected Teveno and the villages of Oltrepovo (Bueggio, Nona di Scalve and Pezzolo) to the inhabited area of Dezzo and to Via Mala.
It is one of the buildings that gave life to a sort of industrial zone. Nearby there were the sawmill, the mill and the "cable car station", a place to collect material extracted from the Manina mines.
The Forge ("La Fucina di Teveno APS" association was established for its recovery, possible opening to the public and revaluation as an ideal place for cultural events) is the last example of the craftsmanship of finishing in the whole Scalve Valley which, in the past few centuries, had as many as 30.
Of all the equipment, there are still some mechanisms with mechanical transmission visible and the shaft, that connected to the wheel, which gave energy for working the mallet, grinding wheel and forge.
Particularly intriguing is the opportunity to closely see the huge boulder inside which the Forge was built (probably in 1700) and the trompe.
Recently the site has been included in the "I luoghi del Cuore" census announced by F.A.I.
The Teveno Forge, in 2016, managed to reach 175th place, collecting as many as 1714 votes.