The special conformation of the Cavallina Valley, near the village of Solto Collina, creates some extremely fascinating climate phenomena: in fact, the gravelly soil of its depression holds the winter ice under the ground, while the winds coming down from the mountains go out from some openings in the ground, letting out the cool air.
In summer, the difference in temperature between the Valle del Freddo and the villages nearby reaches 30°C! This microclimate enabled the growth of high altitude vegetation on the hills, especially flowers: watch out while you walk, you can even find some rare edelweiss!
The Natural Reserve is also the perfect place for bird- watching, thanks to the 28.000 species of birds living in this environment.
The special conformation of the Cavallina Valley, near the village of Solto Collina, creates some extremely fascinating climate phenomena: in fact, the gravelly soil of its depression holds the winter ice under the ground, while the winds coming down from the mountains go out from some openings in the ground, letting out the cool air.
In summer, the difference in temperature between the Valle del Freddo and the villages nearby reaches 30°C! This microclimate enabled the growth of high altitude vegetation on the hills, especially flowers: watch out while you walk, you can even find some rare edelweiss!
The Natural Reserve is also the perfect place for bird- watching, thanks to the 28.000 species of birds living in this environment.