Palazzo Nuovo (“New Palace”) is like a theatre wing located in via Colleoni, overlooking the Piazza Vecchia. It’s called like that in contrast with Palazzo Vecchio (“Old Palace”) aka Palazzo della Ragione, standing in the opposite side of the square.
It took three centuries to build it: the works started in 1604 and ended in 1928. The Palace has served as Bergamo’s Town Hall for three hundred years, till 1873.
Since 1928, one of its rooms has been hosting one of Italy’s most renowned libraries, the “Civica Angelo Mai”, safeguarding parchments, incunabula, codices and precious music sheets.
Inside the Tassiana Hall, you can admire the wonderful globes by Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, cosmographer of the Venice Republic. Dating back to 1688 and 1692, they feature a 3 m circumference and are made of 50 illustrated sheets. Take a look at them: are they really different from today’s ones?
The Craftsmanship, The Industry, The Brembo River, The Serio River, The Agriculture, The Work: this is what the six statues standing outside the building, above the enormous library’s windows, represent. Could you match each one with the corresponding subject?
Once you entered the Palace, you’ll be overwhelmed by the splendour and the classical elegance of the entrance hall, and most of all by the Camozzi Column, a lectern carved in the shape of a tree featuring the emblems of Bergamo and Brescia, along with a bust of Bartolomeo Colleoni, Bergamo’s most famous XV Century mercenary captain.
After the entrance hall, go visit the Salone Furietti, where the Maggior Consiglio (the body that ruled the city) used to gather: in the middle of each side of the room you can spot the two-coloured emblem of Bergamo, golden and vermilion. Continuing your journey across the Palace you will find other beautiful rooms decorated with busts and portraits, keeping company to the ancient books.
The white marble of the Palace’s façade is the same of another renowned city monument: the most spectacular entrance gate to the Upper Town, San Giacomo Gate.
Palazzo Nuovo (“New Palace”) is like a theatre wing located in via Colleoni, overlooking the Piazza Vecchia. It’s called like that in contrast with Palazzo Vecchio (“Old Palace”) aka Palazzo della Ragione, standing in the opposite side of the square.
It took three centuries to build it: the works started in 1604 and ended in 1928. The Palace has served as Bergamo’s Town Hall for three hundred years, till 1873.
Since 1928, one of its rooms has been hosting one of Italy’s most renowned libraries, the “Civica Angelo Mai”, safeguarding parchments, incunabula, codices and precious music sheets.
Inside the Tassiana Hall, you can admire the wonderful globes by Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, cosmographer of the Venice Republic. Dating back to 1688 and 1692, they feature a 3 m circumference and are made of 50 illustrated sheets. Take a look at them: are they really different from today’s ones?
The Craftsmanship, The Industry, The Brembo River, The Serio River, The Agriculture, The Work: this is what the six statues standing outside the building, above the enormous library’s windows, represent. Could you match each one with the corresponding subject?
Once you entered the Palace, you’ll be overwhelmed by the splendour and the classical elegance of the entrance hall, and most of all by the Camozzi Column, a lectern carved in the shape of a tree featuring the emblems of Bergamo and Brescia, along with a bust of Bartolomeo Colleoni, Bergamo’s most famous XV Century mercenary captain.
After the entrance hall, go visit the Salone Furietti, where the Maggior Consiglio (the body that ruled the city) used to gather: in the middle of each side of the room you can spot the two-coloured emblem of Bergamo, golden and vermilion. Continuing your journey across the Palace you will find other beautiful rooms decorated with busts and portraits, keeping company to the ancient books.
The white marble of the Palace’s façade is the same of another renowned city monument: the most spectacular entrance gate to the Upper Town, San Giacomo Gate.
a 130 metri (Piazza Mercato del Fieno): UN posto auto riservato con pavimentazione in acciottolato.
Mezzi pubblici:
a 240 metri: si trova la Stazione Superiore della funicolare e una delle due cabine è accessibile con montascale.
Percorso pedonale di avvicinamento da parcheggi e fermata bus: prevalentemente in piano con salita (pendenza 8%) nella parte finale; pavimentazione in listelli di porfido posati a spina di pesce; privo di segnalazioni tattilo-plantari.
Ingresso tramite scivolo adeguato come pendenza e pavimentazione posto all'estremità ovest del portico che precede la porta di ingresso; porta priva di soglia di larghezza adeguata; Bancone biglietteria altezza = 100 cm
Piano Terra in piano
Ambienti principali al primo piano raggiungibili attraverso scale e due ascensori (larghezza porta 90 cm; cabina 135x150; portata 600-900 kg.
Aula didattica al 3° piano accessibile tramite ascensore e fruibile.
Non sono presenti accorgimenti per non vedenti, ma vengono organizzate visite guidate specificamente rivolte a un pubblico di non vedenti e ipovedenti
Usare il bagno: bagno accessibile al piano terra. Porta 90 cm con apertura esterna; locale 220x190 cm; wc altezza 48 cm, accostamento frontale e laterale; presenza di maniglioni; lavabo ergonomico altezza 74 cm, con specchio inclinato.
Valutazione sintetica
Persona con disabilità motoria accessibile in autonomia.
Persona con disabilità visiva: fruibile con accompagnatore.
Parcheggio in piazza Mercato del Fieno
Scivolo d'accesso al portico d'ingresso
Percorso di avvicinamento da Piazza Mercato del Fieno
Porta d'Ingresso
Cabina ascensore
Aula didattica al terzo piano
Bagno accessibile
Bagno accessibile