Via Porta Dipinta

Via Porta Dipinta


This important access point to the town gets its name from the gate, completely covered with frescoes, set in the medieval wall which was demolished in the 19th century.

Inside the Church of San Michele al Pozzo Bianco, dating back to the 15th century, are frescoes of scenes from The Life of Mary painted by Lorenzo Lotto dating from 1525. The Venetian painter, who lived in Bergamo from 1514 to 1525, stayed in one of the houses overlooking the square and no longer standing, owned by the Bonghi family.


This important access point to the town gets its name from the gate, completely covered with frescoes, set in the medieval wall which was demolished in the 19th century.

Inside the Church of San Michele al Pozzo Bianco, dating back to the 15th century, are frescoes of scenes from The Life of Mary painted by Lorenzo Lotto dating from 1525. The Venetian painter, who lived in Bergamo from 1514 to 1525, stayed in one of the houses overlooking the square and no longer standing, owned by the Bonghi family.