The aqueduct of Bondo Petello was built in the late 1800s to compensate for the absence of water and drought, a channel of 13 km coming from Valle Seriana.
The S. Agostino tank, built in 1881, collected and distributed the water in the Lower City. Afterwards, in 1889, a pump able to feed also the fountains of the Upper City was activated from the large cistern.
In the following decades, characterised by a great demographic growth, the existing tank and the water network were used, from 1912 to introduce a second aqueduct coming from Algua, in Valle Brembana.
The aqueduct of Bondo Petello was built in the late 1800s to compensate for the absence of water and drought, a channel of 13 km coming from Valle Seriana.
The S. Agostino tank, built in 1881, collected and distributed the water in the Lower City. Afterwards, in 1889, a pump able to feed also the fountains of the Upper City was activated from the large cistern.
In the following decades, characterised by a great demographic growth, the existing tank and the water network were used, from 1912 to introduce a second aqueduct coming from Algua, in Valle Brembana.