Located at the crossroads of the “Cremasca” and the “Francesca,” two of the major trade routes crossing the Bergamo plain, the castle of Urgnano has lost none of its charm in its seven centuries of existence!
We recommend you enter through the south entrance, adorned with a nineteenth-century mock revetment (an additional outer fortification protecting the bridge) that leads to the drawbridge.
The interior, while retaining the military structure of the building, has been renovated as a noble palace and has acquired a more opulent beauty.
As you wander through the different floors you will then find frescoed halls, lavish decorations, 18th-century furniture, and a rich collection of historical maps.
Finally, you can relax in the lovely and cozy roof garden, decorated in a gentle and understated Italian style, perfect for a pleasant moment of respite, protected by the thick walls of the fortress from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.