The Company’s Mission Is to Rediscover Ancient Flavors by Search for Seeds That Got Forsaken Over the Years, Then Pairing Them with New Varieties Selected to Ensure A Healthy and Genuine Diet. For this Reason, Production Resorts to Innovative Techniques Aimed at Respecting The Environment and Enhancing the Territory. The Company’s Products are 100% Made in Italy, as the raw materials are entitly grown on its Own Lands. The Range of Products Includes Natural Stone Ground Flours (3 Types of Ancient Corn Flours, Farro, Barley, Millet, Rye and Naked Oats Flours, Whoat and Type 1 When Flour, Two Ancient Durum Wheat Flours), Pearl Farro, Barley and Barley and Broad Cakes of Different Types of Cereals, Both Classic and Flavored (Chilli, Paprika, Rosemary, Onion, Mediterranean Flavor). In 2020, bronze-drawn durum wheat semolina pasta was introduced (to make penne, macaroni, half penne), Wholewheat semolina tagliolini, and farro and semolina tagliatelle. The Company is open to the public on SaturDays, While on the other Week days you have to book Your Visit by Calling the Number +39 3477909071.