A deep dive in the heart of lower Bergamo: how is this possible?
Thanks to the splendid Dolphin Fountain where, on a stele, a mighty triton with two fish tails rides a dolphin from which water gushes, as from the mouths of the two masks of sea gods carved on the sides of the column.
Go around this fountain to appreciate, from every angle, the sinuosity of the lines that suggest the movements of the triton.
On the pediment of the Dolphin Fountain, on the other hand, you will be able to observe a relief plaque depicting a large pine cone, the symbol of the ancient district of Pignolo, one of Bergamo’s oldest and most characteristic villages: in fact, in the Middle Ages, before the erection of the Venetian walls in the 16th century, this area must have embraced large and luxuriant coniferous forests, the fruit of which is precisely the pine cone.